
目前分類:Ape's Taiwan Trip~~ (10)

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I have been introduced many overseas countries at my anyways traveling blog, but I've never introduce any in Taiwan.

Huang Reo Ape 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

    今年的新年, 難得的在台灣跟家人一起過...

    前面兩年的過年, 我都跑去探險去了. 2010年是去美國加拿大, 2011年是去秘魯.

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 今天,在整理電腦的時候,發現猿人忘了給他把環島其它時期的照片放上去…… 趁現在把他放上去吧 !!

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南寮風情鐵馬Hit  二赴新屋南非行

話說猿人自新屋回家之後,對南非餐廳其中一道菜沒吃到久久不能自己。您猜是甚麼菜讓猿人這樣著?原來是道駱駝肉。這猿人自小到大從沒吃過駱駝肉。自住在南非也無吃過。猿人自付道: “鴕鳥肉我吃得多了。這駱駝肉真的是直娘賊!!引的老子心癢癢的!!老子真想試試看呀!!這一道菜反引起猿人注意。

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Huang Reo Ape 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()






    打從有意識以來,我不會刻意的向很多鐵道迷一樣要收集各車站的車票,也沒有說一定要像很多航空或者是飛機迷一樣,對於甚麼車型,功能,速度有所研究。我覺得我喜歡的,只是那份感覺……那種車站上面的人等待火車, 以及在車上看景物呼嘯而過的感覺……


    以前在南非沒有坐過火車,南非的華人都不太坐火車的,因為不敢坐。其實南非有一種藍色火車,是世界有名的豪華列車之一,但是因為豪華,所以價格不斐……。所以在南非,從來沒做過火車。但是現在想想……如果有機會的話…… 去看看又何彷?或者以後我在回南非的時候會想要計畫吧!!


    後來的幾趟旅行,我在中國有坐過火車----臥舖的火車。那是北京到上海的列車。其實那時老實說我覺得大陸的火車設施不會說很好,但是也不會差到哪裡去耶!感覺其實速度滿快的,也滿穩的,但是小偷很多!!有朋友在那趟旅途中就有不愉快的經驗了。 中間我們停過濟南站,也在半夜四五點的時候度過長江……,滿特別的!!





    到波蘭我的代步工具就是火車哩,幾乎所有2nd class的車種都坐遍了。(因為沒錢所以只得坐2nd class)還坐到他們的支線,到波蘭最偏遠的小站Hel去。Hel是個特別的小站,以後有機會再介紹。 波蘭火車的景色很漂亮,尤其經過當地的古城市古城堡,可以在遠遠的就看到一棟怪物豎立在那裏,你慢慢的從他旁邊經過,之後再慢慢的從你眼前消失的那種感覺……








    不過,站在古老的小車站,雖然火車已經升級了,但是那種味道,那種感覺, 是不會變的喔~~~




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雖然說沒甚麼人搭乘,雖然說只有一個管理員,但是這個日式木造車站還是在這裡…… 還保留有傳統風味的感覺。





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東勢格? 那是什麼鳥地方?


照片 050 (大型)

今年過年,大年初二,晚上,TBD5 成員之ㄧ的小葉打電話給我…..













http://www.backpackers.com.tw/blog/post/15/10016 猿人的部落格


http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/joe-ya/article?mid=3975&prev=3976&next=3965     小葉的部落格




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  • Dec 17 Mon 2007 16:43
  • 嶺腳


Huang Reo Ape 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


Ping-Si byline

Introduction: About Ping-Si –

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History and Geography.

It is started from Ching Dynasty; Fukien people were come here to developing here and living here. it was called Zhe-Dan’s burg during that time. When Japanese dominion Taiwan, they spare this one place to become two. One is called “under the stone” and the other is called “10%”’s flat. Later, Japanese are trying to manage this place easier. So they mix those two areas together again and called itPing-Shi, and now it is also called Ping-Si Township.

Ping-Shi is also called the waterfall’s town. It has 22 waterfalls in this area, and has the most waterfalls in this area in Taiwan. Keelung River is the most important to influence the land in this area. It erodes and mores the side of coast, to make this wonderful locations.

The Ping-Shi byline:

Ping-Shi is the one of the byline in Taiwan; they are 4 bylines in Taiwan, which is Ali byline, Gigi byline Nawan byline and Ping-Shi byline. The mean function of Ping-Shi was to transport the mines, but the mine industry is getting less now, so they move the ideal to become the traveling policy. For old people, they might remember the past; mine and all traditional things, but for new generation, this byline just for travel!!


Ping-Shi byline’s whole distance is 12.9Km. it might take 30 minute from Rui-Fun to Jing-Tong. It has really interested and traditional things here. Each station has the different individual style. Some stations don’t even have the office, just a station there. but the most special thing of this byline is a lot of tunnels. It is really interested.


The popular stations in Pong-Shi byline are Shi-Fen station, Ping-Si station and Jing-Tong station.

Shi-Fen station is the biggest station at Ping-Si byline. It has some interested point like the drawbridge, the Old Street, and Kongmine lantern. You can see all traditional things here.


Jing-Tong was start developing at Ching Dynasty. Lee-Da-Jing is the person who starts living here. Some people said that was many Jing-Tong trees around this area. So it called Jing-Tong here. This place is not that popular as Ping-Shi and Shi-Fen. But it had a good industry of mine at the past. So you can easy find out a lot of legacies there, like the Japanese hostel and the Mine factory. That’s a lot of drama which also take the act show here.


1.    Jing-Tong Station

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Jing-Ting station’s history

Jing-Tong station built in 1929. This is the final station for Ping-Shi byline. This station has all made by wood. It is Japanese style station. That’s only 4 stations which made by wood, Jing-Tong station is the one. You can still see some old train’s implements there.

That is a lot of people who take the pictures there; you can see some marriage people who take picture here, and some bikers, backpackers or even foreign here. This station is not transport mine anymore, but it’s bringing some travelers to come here, and make some different functions……


This is my first time to be in Jing-Tong, I do actually find some thing interested here, like the old station or the old store. It is a nice place for people to look back their memory. The time is change to fast and the subjects have to change with whole environment. Jing-Tong station is a place where fight with the reality and keep the traditional memories for people. I am very interested about that.


Jing-Tong railway story house.

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This place makes a lot of passengers who just there for a while. They always pay attends of the railway toy. This is the sign of Taiwanese railway, and also Jing-Tong station. This toy is belongs to Jing-Tong railway story house, Jing-Tong railway story house is a place where sells old things or some traditional things here. It also sells wooden post cards. It can really send out to your friends and family. It also has some thing that is traditional; but we have never seen it before. Like the post box. This shop is just next to the station. You can really find some special things there. 

The Wishes Baboons

That’s a lot of wishes baboons at the side of the rail way. People often write their wishes at the baboon, and hope their wishes will be come true. This is a lot of valentine who go there and wrote down their wishes, I read a baboon which was two names first and wrote: “we will be together forever”. It is really romantic. Some people also write some other wishes like have a great collage, or having the good healthy ext.

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The miner’s restaurant.

It is quite interested restaurant here... The miner’s restaurant. It is just at the side of the railway. They are using the old style to build the restaurant. Their main is called “miner’s combo” which is include stewed meat rice, an egg, Do-Fu, Vegetables, baboon shoot, black tea and soup. It cost NTD 160, and can’t feels testing for anything, but really expensive price!!

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Jing-Tong Elementary School

Jing-Tong elementary built in 1918. It was a Japanese school. After Taiwanese’s retrocession, Taiwanese starts own this school by 1945, until now on.


This is a Japanese style, mix with both old and new buildings. It is for the safety reason of the students. Some building has been rebuilt. Some old equipment has been changed. But they still keep some small things for keep their culture and histories.


This school has 20stuff. 16 people for infant school students. 2 people for grade 1, 8 people for grade 2, 2 people for grade 3, 7 people for grade 4, 3 people for grade 5 and 7 people for grade 6. So it is only few people to studying in this small and countryside school.  

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Walking on the railway?

There are a lot of people who walks on the railway here at Ping-Si byline. It was the tradition way for local people to make connected outside here. But as you know, they are not taking any mine here now, so they change to the other way for their surviving, which is to developing the traveling. You can see some traditional way here, for example, you could see some houses which face to the railway. You may also see some stores face on the railway. They still sell some old traditional things there, to keep their culture, and the history.IMG_0919 (大型)


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