最近很常聽Robin Thicke 的 Never Give Up~~
這首歌的特別之處, 是因為他用了交響樂的元素來編曲, 在整張專輯裡面顯得較突出, 而且是一首勵志歌曲.
後來才知道, 原來這首歌的原曲是拉丁美洲的"Huapango" 整個就是很熱情的感覺!!
聽說Robin Thicke 創造這首歌,是要鼓勵他20個月大的兒子的.希望他能夠好好的面對自己的挑戰, 不要放棄!!
滿Cool 的, 不是嗎??
這對夫婦最近常常出 現的, 如果你有去看 "不可能的任務:鬼影行動"的話. 那個黑人女主角. 就是現實中Robin Thicke的老婆...
有點離題了. 寫這一篇主要是推薦這首歌, 每個人一生當中, 都會遇到一些鳥事, 很多事情, 很多人, 想的都會跟自己不一樣. 這是一定的. 不應該是要讓其他人遷就自己或配合自己, 或者是認同自己. 反而是自己是否可以依然在別人的否定聲中,靠自己的能力以及意志力, 完成自己想要的事情?
堅持做自己, 才真正是困難.
Lost your job
Lost your min d
Living on the street
For the second time
All you do is dream
Running new tonight
I see blue skies in front of me
Baby, never give up
Don't stop now
It's never too much
Never give up
Never give up
Hold on baby
Never give up
Oh (x4)
Never give up... Never give up baby...
Lost your heart
Lost your will
On your hands and knees
Just for a dollar bill
Lost your faith
And your confidence
Nothing seems fair
Nothing make sense
Baby, it ain't over
It's not over
It's never over
I said never give up
I said never give up
Hold on baby
It's never too much
Na-na-na-never give up
Never give up, Never give up, never give up, never give up...
Feel like a joke
Feel like a fool
Just not smart enough
Should have stayed in school
What i'm gonna do
How am I gonna get by
Ain't have no answer
But I can't stop trying
I said baby, it ain't over
It's not over
It's never over
Never give up
Never give up
Never give up
Never give up